Discover online our extensive collections of E-Catalogues of Wallpapers, Wallcoverings, Carpets, Fabrics and Floorings here. All curated to meet your decorating needs from Residential to Commercial interior projects.
For Spring-Summer 2024, Casamance combines the natural with the exquisite and explores the depths of colour. The collections are inspired by the modernism of the thirties, the riches of Mexico, covering the walls with immense imaginary landscapes. They speak of craftsmanship with their textural effects, pairing botanic imprints with glittering gold. Casamance celebrates this lifestyle, making every moment one of elegance and excellence.
EXPLORATION gives free-rein to the imagination and leads us towards new horizons. Imagine a life-sized odyssey to discover the beauty of the world from inside your own home. That is the vocation of this collection, in which each design can be infinitely repeated. Guarantor of expertise in the world of wallcoverings, Casamance embarks upon a true exploration of materials, formats and techniques. Heir to the “savoir-faire” of the past, with an eye on the future, for this collection the brand has adopted innovative designs and proposes many textures, from velvet to natural fibres. Allow yourself to be inspired by landscapes from the ends of the earth, the collection opens the door to all imaginable possibilities.
For Spring-Summer 2024, the collections explore a wealth of textures and are bathed in glowing colours. They are inspired by the spellbinding landscapes of Central America and exquisite geometric patterns shown off by light. Casamance transfers them onto fabrics and wallcoverings using innovative techniques. Sophisticated velvets, iridescent voiles or embroidered sisal : a whole world unfolds. Casamance uses its “savoir-faire” to create and edit the timeless and elegance classics of tomorrow.